Saturday, October 27, 2012

oh life

Wow, I have been a terrible terrible blogger.  I read a blog recently that said "I have been so busy thinking that I haven't had time for writing" and I think that sums up my life!  I have been quite busy with school and plans and things that I come home still thinking about it.  By the time I am settled I want to go to bed and not type!  But alas here I am trying to sum up the past month for you.....  Wow it has been over a month. I am so sorry.  Well lets be generic and hopefully I can post specifics on some things that we have done.

School has been very busy.  We just wrapped up our first quarter meaning work days, report cards, parent-teacher conferences and so forth were the forefront of my mind daily.  Now that is all over and thoughts of 'how can I make this quarter better' are all I can think about.  I guess that is the life of the teacher though.  Always trying to make things better or figure out the best way to do something.  I still have days that I am completely overwhelmed by the material I am supposed to teach and the utter disorganization of it all. In a couple weeks I am supposed to teach a 4 week unit on Thailand and I am terrified!! I know NOTHING about Thailand's history or anything else for that matter.  How am I supposed to fill minds with content when I know nothing!

The other thing that has been on my heart a lot with school is a certain student.  (I am being very transparent with you all today.... I guess thats what happens when you wake up at 6am on a holiday!)  I have a handful of new to CMIS students in my class and most of them have fit in swimmingly.  But one student has major issues and I struggle constantly with the best way to help her to learn and fit in with the class.  It breaks my heart to see her struggle through the materials but it even more breaks my heart the way the kids treat her.  I am trying to reach her but there are so many problems I do not know where to start.  She has become my little mission for the year! I lover her to death and have such high hopes for her.

Anywho, this week was holiday (break).  I really wanted to go somewhere but with our finances and Moe's soccer commitments we were here.  Plus since we havent had the chance to explore yet it was for the best.  Moe had his first game(s) as coach this week.  CMIS played in a tournament with 5 other teams from 4 other countries: Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong (they are their own country right?).  Anyway, it was an experience for Moe and he has learned a lot.  The team isnt that wonderful this year but it has been an experience ;)  They have played 6 games in the past 4 days.... In this heat, I think that is crazy!!

OH, the other thing I have not officially said on here....we got a NEW PUPPY!!!! Chico is his name.  He is a toy poodle/shih-tzu mix.  He is ADORABLE!!! He is also tiny.  He is the size of calf on a good day.  Chico definitely has been a joy.  Moe and I have loved teaching him tricks and he is one smart puppy.  We are attempting to make him bilingual with a few tricks done in Thai :)  Here is a picture of him though it is hard to truly see him!  He is black with a white chest and strands of white on his forehead.  His paws are white as well.  He is also a cuddler and loves to be held... I might be spoiling him in that but he is so small.

Ok hopefully I will get better at sharing things. I do have a few important things that we did lined up to share!  We went to the Night Safari and I went up the mountain to the temple.  Both were incredible!  

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