Monday, August 6, 2018

First week

Overall, I would say my first week was good.  In a different head space, I would probably even say it was great.  But tonight, I have definitely reached my limit.  As an introvert, this first week has been intense.  I am hopeful that this next week of introductions will not be as intense.

Everyday a school bus comes to our apartment complex and picks us up. It takes about 10-15 minutes to get to school. We all went to the same meetings for most of the days. We all had lunch together. We sometimes had time in our classrooms to get it organized. At 3:45 we piled back on the bus to go home. At 530 the bus picked us back up to take us out to dinner with the same group of people or to the grocery store. And then by 8 or 9 or sometimes 10 we got back home to rest.

That happened for 6 days.

It was exhausting!

Today I got to go to the grocery store whenever I wanted, via Uber. With whoever I wanted. For however long I wanted. 


But then we had a whole staff barbeque where I was supposed to meet the returning staff. But I couldnt. I was exhausted.  I met maybe 2 people and then sat with my other newbies and yawned... a lot! When we were finally dismissed I came home and crashed.

But I made it through my first week. I cant believe it has been a week. But it also seems like I have been here much longer than a week. 

The school has been great hosts though and Abuja has been so welcoming and warm. I am loving some of the luxuries of being in a proper American school - we have Crayola markers and BIC pens and proper construction paper!! My students will have iPads and I got a Macbook on the first day of work.  My classroom is stocked with supplies and storage and items I could only dream about in Thailand. (my next post will be more about the school)

The city is full of food and culture. We have been to Mexican, Lebanese, Indian, Italian, and seafood restaurants.  Not to mention our lunches have had some traditional Nigerian grub as well! I will definitely eat well in this city!! I cant wait to explore more as I get settled in and figure out ways to be social and yet not over do it!

Here are some pics of my apartment.

One of the 3 apartment buildings. Mine is the second floor.

My kitchen.

the dining room

the living room (I am standing at the front door)

my bedroom

opposite my bed is my built in wardrobe and bathroom

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